Here comes my favorite season

We still had high humidity but it was rather cool yesterday, and I felt at last autumn had come. It's my favorite season. Though I myself don't fully understand why I'm fond of autumn, I can name several reasons. It's more comfortable than summer or winter; I can enjoy a lot of delicious foods; I can wear various clothes because it's not too hot or too cold, and so on.

But the most important reason is as follows: when I see a variety of leaves turn red or yellow and then fall, I can't help feeling a bit lonely. Many of you might think of loneliness as a kind of negative feeling, but I don't think so. At least it's far better than feeling nothing - actually, it's not bad for me at all. When I feel lonely, I want to love somebody and I want somebody to love me, and then I can realize again how important love is for me. I cannot think this is a bad thing. In other words, I believe in loneliness, so to speak.