About my own life

Happy New Year! The year 2007 has come.It will be a very important year for me; I have lots of matters to decide and determine this year. They range, say, from what occupation I should be engaged in and what sort of music I play to what ki…

Here comes my favorite season

We still had high humidity but it was rather cool yesterday, and I felt at last autumn had come. It's my favorite season. Though I myself don't fully understand why I'm fond of autumn, I can name several reasons. It's more comfortable than…

A slight fever

I've been sick with a slight fever since I got up this morning.I took five days off work from Aug. 12 to 16. During the first two days, I stayed at my father's parents' home with my family and relatives. We had a very good time but I got t…

I wanna use English

Though I've been studying English for roughly 15 years, I can neither speak English nor understand spoken English very well. I think this is partly because English education in Japan makes too much of reading skill, not writing, listening,…